The Ultimate Resource

Ready to GROW your

A toolkit to take your DFY service business from “just some freelancing” to a sustainable, growing business. 

Are you ready to grow a sustainable business that makes a profit AND lasts for the long haul?

This toolkit will give you the resources you need to implement the foundations of a sustainable business

You’ll have access to a strategic roadmap, guiding you through all the steps necessary to develop a customized plan for your business growth. Not only do you receive a roadmap but training & tools to implement everything in the roadmap.

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Ok, is this YOU?


Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This toolkit was designed with exactly what you need.

Look you started your business for a reason (your mission) – whatever that mission might be, to pay your bills, improve your quality of life, give back OR make a difference in people’s lives. And if you feel like your business isn’t quite there yet – there are a million of reasons why. And a stable foundation upon which to grow your business solves a lot of them and gives you a path forward to having your business fulfill your mission.

What to EXPECT:


Identify your vision

Work through the Comprehensive Business Builder Checklist. Dig deep and reveal you clear business vision. Work through prompts to identify strengths, weaknesses & opportunities in your marketing, finances, operations, team structure & progress tracking to achieve that vision.


Develop your Blueprint

With a clear assessment of where things are with your business & where you want to go, you can begin to build out the path of how you bridge that gap. 


Start implementing

Now that you know where you are, where you want to go and how you will get there, you can get to work. And when you stuck? You access the tools, guidebooks & support group to break through those roadblocks and find creative solutions to keep things moving.

Kind Words from Past Students:


Social Squares



of freelancers want to grow their businesses


increase in revenue reported by freelancers that grew their businesses


of startups founded by former freelancers have a survival rate past the first year


higher likelihood of success for freelancers who had mentors while growing their businesses


Best Value (Save!)

$ 237 One-Time Payment
  • one payment due today
  • lifetime access
  • saves 21%

save 15%

$ 125 for two months
  • monthly Payment
  • Lifetime Access
  • Saves 15%

Low Monthly cost

$ 75 for four months
  • Monthly Payment
  • Lifetime Access

What resources do YOU GET:

Be the CFO: Financial Planning

This feature guides you in evaluating your financial situation & developing a financial plan for business growth. It teaches you how to assess their pricing strategies, create revenue projections, and identify financial milestones to track progress.

Be the Leader: Team Building & Collaboration

This section teaches you to consider your future team-building needs and explore collaboration opportunities. It encourages you to evaluate their capacity for delegation, assess the potential for outsourcing, and explore partnerships.

Be the COO: Operations & Systems Review

Learn how to assess your current operational processes and systems. It teaches you how to review their workflows, identify areas for optimization, and explore opportunities to streamline their operations.

Be the Analyst: Growth Tracking & Reflection

This section teaches you to set measurable goals, define key performance indicators (KPIs), and establish a systems for a regular reflection and adjustment.

Meet the Strategist


Hey, I'm SAFA HARRIS, your growth STRATEGIST

I’m passionate about businesses finding financial success while focusing on well-being and making a positive impact. I provide guidance with building a profitable business but also empower you to create one that is sustainable and puts people first.


This is designed for established freelancers that are looking to take the next step in their business. This resource will provide valuable insights and actionable steps to guide your transition into a successful business owner.

You will learn the essential aspects of transitioning from a freelancer to a business owner. It prompts you to evaluate key areas such as strategic planning, operations, financial considerations, and more.

Absolutely! Your purchase includes access to an exclusive support and strategy Facebook Group. Here you can connect with fellow freelancers & business builders. You can seek guidance, ask questions, and share insights within this network. Additional, Safa will be available inside the group to help you develop custom strategy or answer any questions you might have along the way. 

Due to the digital nature of this offer & immediate access we do not offer refunds on any purchases made. 

New tools and/or guidebooks are added to the toolkit on a monthly basis.

Yes! Email the support team at and we can see if we are able to provide either a tool or a guidebook to support your needs.

Yes! You can purchase ongoing 1:1 strategy support or standalone 1:1 sessions. Find more information here.

Nope! Unless you want to purchase additional 1:1 support.

Get In Touch

Looking for EVEN MORE?

Then 1:1 mentorship & strategy sessions, give you just that. I am have multiple available options that give you 1:1 time and provide you with clear, specific actionable, written strategies for you to implement.